Replace the BOOT LINUX
one of the highlights of the use of GRUB is that we replace the usual display GRUB Splash Image with pictures wherewith provided via the Internet or our own making.
Through the trick this time we will try to create their own image to make Slash. All we need is the GIMP, Image Magick, and gzip compression tool. Here are the steps:
1. Provide a picture which we will make a splash image. Open the image in GIMP.
2. Do the manipulation of the image.
3. Then click the [Image]> [Scale Image ..].
4. In the dialog box that appears, in the setting "Image Size" Fill in the value of 640 in the "Width" and 480 in the "Height" Click the button [SCALE].
5. Then click the [Image]> [Mode]> [Indexed ..]. In the Colormap settings, select the option [Generate optimum palette] and fill color value with the number 6, because the bootloader only accept images with the number of colors. For the Dithering setting, the choice option [Floyd-Steinberg (normal)] for Color dithering. Click [OK].
6. Next save the image to PNG format.
7. Then open the image through the program Image Magick. If you do not find Image Magick to Graphics menu, try using the shell. Here's how: open your favorite Xshell, then enter the command with the syntax "$ see path / file_name.png"
8. After the image is open, then right click on the picture. In the pop-up menu that appears, select [Save ..]. Save the image in XPM format.
9. The next step is to compress the image to XPM format was GZ. Still from your favorite Xshell, give the command "$ gzip-c path / file_name.xpm> path / file_name.xpm.gz".
10. Copy these files to the compression results directory / boot / grub. This is necessary for root-rights. You can use the facility "sudo" his syntax: "$ sudo cp path / file_name.xpm.gz / boot / grub" Fill in the password.
11. The final step, modify the grub configuration file. In general, the file is / boot / grub / menu.lst. on other distributions, like Fedora, the configuration file is / boot / grub / grub.conf. Perform editing these files through your favorite editor.
12. In the file, look for writing that line splashimage originally written. Then give value to the compressed file name was. Its syntax is as follows: "splashimage / boot / grub / file_name.xpm.gz".
13. Restart your computer now and see how your current Grub view.
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Replace the BOOT LINUX
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