
C + + Builder

Posted by siSobri

C + + Builder

C + + Builder is an application that is used for development by utilizing the concepts of privilege interface graphics in microsoft windows.
The resulting application c + + builder are closely related with the windows itself so necessary knowledge of how the workings of the windows.

C + + builder is a programming application that generates an application program that operates under the Windows environment. C + + Builder is the development of language from the previous C language is C + +. C + + Builder are trademarks or products from Borland International Inc.. which has been behind many programming languages are very powerful.

Like any programming language other visual Eg, C + + Builder has many advantages, among others fall into the RAD group (RapidApplicationDevelopment), which is a programming tool that can create applications easily and quickly, C + + Builder is also classified as group programming language that uses the principles of Event driven. Another advantage of C + + Builder is the development of databases in this database programming, especially a very simple program once, you can run the program without having to write a line of code.

if you've been using Borland Delphi, Visual Basic, or other visual language, then you will be able to easily learn C + + Builder, the difference is only in the programming structure of course, to remember is that this group of the C programming like C, C + +, and C + + Builder is a programming language that uses the Sensitive Case of the program will check the use of uppercase and lowercase letters.

In Visual many terms and concepts to describe "something" that make up an application. These terms have the same meaning in the visual programming environment, such as for example objects, properties, and events.

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